Eat that frog with a Pomodoro

Farwa Shoaib
3 min readApr 15, 2021

Mark Twain once said, “Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day.”

For self-help guru Brian Tracy, this quote serves as an apt metaphor for effective time management. In his popular 2001 book Eat That Frog! 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time, Tracy’s premise is simple: you should tackle the hardest and most important thing on your to-do list every morning.

According to Mark Twain, if there are two tasks, so do the biggest one first.

“If it’s your job to eat the frog, it’s best to do it first thing in the morning. And if it’s your job to eat two frogs, it’s best to eat the biggest one first.”

He also said that complete the task, given to you before doing other things because it will make you better.

I have planned to use this technique in order to complete my online course and thesis work on time. I took the following steps;

1- Identify task for today

I decided to do my course on Creating a #Superhero Resume that Stands Out” with the help of this technique.

2- Set the time of 25 minutes

I decided to do the task and set the time of 25 minutes on my mobile.

3- Work for the duration of the timer

During this, I wrote on a paper about the distractions that occurred during the work. I have tried to remove distractions like the internet, WhatsApp messages and Instagram.

4- Take a few minute breaks and set another time

During the break, I relax by watching some videos on youtube. After the break, set the Pomodoro timer again and repeat the above steps.


This technique helped me a lot to complete the course and Thesis work within time. At the start, it’s quite difficult for me because the destruction came in the way and my mind got diverted. During the first 25 minutes, I faced many issues. During the second time when I set 25 minutes, I was fully attentive and focused on my course. I completed my work within time and this technique helped me a lot. By applying this technique, we could be able to do the work on time without procrastination. If we applied this technique on daily basis then it will become the habit to do the work on time without any delay in it.

I did work in a well-planned and organized way. Before taking the online course “How to increase productivity” I become familiar with this technique and I am very happy after doing the Pomodoro technique.

“Practice makes permanence.”

This technique helps me to increase productivity. I will do my future tasks in less time by using this technique.



Farwa Shoaib

I'm a plant breeder and geneticist y profesion #Animal lover